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Processo Vol 1 pages 127-128
External diligence
performed on 4 May 2007 by Inspectors J.C.Franco and
C.Lucas at the GALP service stations on the A22 at Lagos
and Loule
--- On this date, around 11h30, we went to the GALP
service station of Lagos, on the A22, East-West
direction, having in view the collection of information
for this case file.
--- A photograph of the missing female child was shown
to all the employees there present, with negative
results as to her recognition.
--- The service station manager, Sr.J.Nunes, made
available the viewing of images from the surveillance
cameras installed there, there having been analysed the
images recorded from 21h00 on 3 May to 12h00 today.
--- In those said images, about 11h10 today, it was
possible to observe the entrance of a couple accompanied
by a female child with similar characteristics,
whereupon I proceeded to recover the same and prints
thereof for analysis.
--- The preservation of the images was requested for a
future analysis.
--- In the service area opposite, direction West-East,
the photograph of the child was also shown, again with
negative results.
--- Images from the closed circuit surveillance system
installed there were also viewed, nothing having
resulted of use to this present investigation.
--- We then went to the GALP service station of Loule,
on the A22, both directions, where both closed circuit
video surveillance systems were viewed, with negative
--- The photograph of the child was also shown, with
equally negative results.
--- This activity was terminated around 17h00, it not
having been possible to recover more or better items for
the file.
Processo Vol 1 Page 129
Fax dated 4 May 2007 to
the GALP service station in Lagos requesting images from
their surveillance recordings.
In the interests of the investigation being conducted by
this police force, you are requested to furnish to this
police force images from the surveillance cameras
installed in that service station, of the period
understood between 11h05 and 11h35 on 4 May 2007, which
show images of a female child with physical
characteristics resembling those of the child missing on
the night of 3 May 2007, in Praia da Luz, Lagos.
It is further requested that those images are preserved
with the view of a possible request for future analysis.
Processo Vol 1 Pages 130-132
Five annotated images
printed from those obtained from GALP service station in
Lagos on 4 May 2007.
Processo Vol 1 Page 133
Official record of
photographic recognition
On 4 May 2007, in this DIC of Portimao of the PJ, in
front of me, Inspector C.Lucas, accompanied by Inspector
J.Franco, appeared G.P.McCann and K.M.Healy, better
identified [elsewhere] in this file, in order to conduct
a photographic recognition from images recovered in the
GALP service station on the A22 in investigation in the
present Inquiry.
Based upon the items furnished, there were exhibited to
them images of a child of the same sex and identical age
to the missing child, after which they were asked if
they recognised the child shown in the images, to which
they responded:
That they did not
recognise the child shown in the image.
- Signed as being a true record by the four persons
named above - |
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Letter from Galp Geste to the PJ.
Lisbon, 15th May 2007
Subject: Request for Images
N/Ref: 2007.078CG Lagos
V/Ref NUIPC 201/07.oGALGS Date 13-05-2007
In response to your request for recordings from
the security video system, for the period
between 00.00 on 30-04-2007 and 24.00 on the day
06-05-2007 in the installations of our Service
Area in Lagos (in both directions) we inform you
that this is not possible as we do not have
these images.
The video security system records onto a hard
disk, which has a limited capacity and which had
already been exceeded when we received your
We have a recording of the period between 11.03
and 11.36 on 04-05-2007, in the Portimao-Lagos
direction, with images referring to the
individuals whose images were collected by your
investigators in the Service Area. This
recording is at your disposal.
We regret that we cannot comply with your
With compliments.
Galpgeste Manager |
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[Fax to
This is the request for the preservation of
images at GALP stations in Lagos
(see replies on pages 1401 and 1398-1399)
Processos Vol VI Page 1400
and Processos Vol IV Page 982
Policia Judiciaria
Very Urgent
To: Strong, Security Department
From: Dr G. Amaral, Coordinator of the Criminal
Date: 13-05-2007
Ref: NUIPC201/070GALGS
Subject: Register of Images
Within the scope of the investigations taking
place in this DIC of the Policia Judiciaria
related to the case mentioned above, we ask you
to preserve and send as urgently as possible,
the CCTV images obtained between 00.00 of the
day 30-04-2007 and 24.00 of the day 06-05-2007
from the Galp Service Stations, situated on the
A22, Bensafrim-Lagos, at KM 4.350, in the
directions of Lagos Portimao and Portimao-Lagos.
G. Amaral |
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[Fax from
Strong to the PJ]
This is a letter from the agent responsible for
CCTV recording systems at the
GALP stations requesting clarification about the
images required. The confusion
arose because the fax sent to them (see page
1400) asked for a period from 30
April to 6 May, while their client, Galpgeste,
had already asked only for the
period 11h03 to 11h36 on 4 May.
Galpgeste responded fully in pages
From: Strong
To: Policia Judiciaria, Portimao DIC
Date: 15-05-2007
Attention: Dr Amaral
Subject: Register of Images Your ref: NUIPC
Dear Sir,
We inform you that we tried to find out from our
client Galpgest if they had recordings of images
from the period referred to by you, having been
informed that they have recordings of images
captured between 11.0 and 11.36 on 04-05-2007
from the Service Station in the Portimao-Lagos
direction. As this short period does not
correspond to your request, we would be grateful
if you would inform us if you require us to
obtain these images from our client, which we
would do as quickly as possible.
Strong Security SA |