4289 to 4293 Home office letter re: legal request 2008.05.08
with supporting documents (English) 4289 to 4293 Frances
Kennah |
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Table of Contents : Pages 4289 to 4293?"Home office
letter re: legal request 2008.05.08 with supporting
documents (English)"
Home Office
UK Central Authority
5th Floor, Fry Building, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P
Our Reference : MLI/07/210/2104
Your Reference : Po no 176/2008, Lo CIMP
9th May 2008
Joana G. Ferreira
Procuradoria-Geral Da Republica
Gabinete Do Procurador-Geral
Rua Da Escola Politecnica no 140
1269-269 Lisboa
Dear Sir/Madam
Please find enclosed evidence we received from
Leicestershire Police into the requested assistance.
If you need to use the evidence for any other
proceedings, which are not outlined in the original
request, you must seek the Authorisation of the UK
Central Authority in advance the material being used for
those proceedings.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Nash
Home Office
For and on Behalf of the Secretary of State
Page 4290 (Page 2 of 5)
From : D/Insp. Mick Graham
Dept : Major Crime Unit
To : Frances Kennah UKCA
Date : 9th May 2008
Subject : Madeleine McCann (Operation Task)
This report is the initial response to the requests
contained within the International Letters of Request
submitted by the Portuguese Authorities in respect of
the Investigation into the disappearance of Madeleine
McCann. This first submission of documents comprises of
a total of 30 witness statements.
First Letter of Request - dated 23rd January 2008
1. Page 41 (PJ Ref I) Interview of Brian HEALY - As
discussed with the PJ, Mr Healy was suffering from
health problems and the decision was reached that he
will not be interviewed. This has been recorded as a
policy decision.
2. Page 43 (PJ Ref IV) Interview Sandy (Alexander)
CAMERON - He was interviewed on 15th April 2008 and a
statement obtained, please see enclosed copy.
3. Page 44 ( PJ Ref V) Interview Michael WRIGHT (cousin
of Kate McCann). He was interviewed on 16th April 2008
and a statement obtained, please see enclosed copy.
4. Page 44 (PJ Ref V) Request to interview Alexander
James CAMERON - this is a duplicate of the request on
Page 43.
5. Page 44 (PJ Ref VI) Interview John BROWN - he was
interviewed on 24th April 2008 and a statement obtained,
please see enclosed copy.
6. Page 45 (PJ Ref VI) Interview Adrian Robert LOWES -
he was interviewed on 6th May 2008 and a statement
obtained, please see enclosed copy.
Page 4291 (Page 3 of 5)
7. Page 45 (PJ Ref VI) Interview of (Amanda) Ruth LOWES
- She was interviewed on 6th May 2008 and a statement
obtained, please see enclosed copy.
8. Page 45 (PJ Ref VI) Interview John Gray PATERSON - He
was interviewed on 29th April 2008 and a statement
obtained, please see enclosed copy.
9. Page 45 (PJ Ref VI) Interview Dr. George Jeremy
THOMPSON - He was interviewed on 29th April 2008 and a
statement obtained, please see enclosed copy.
10. Page 45 (PJ Ref VI) Interview Simon John HALDER - He
was interviewed on 30th April 2008 and a statement
obtained, please see enclosed copy.
11. Page 45 (PJ Ref VI) Interview (Duncan Raymond)
Raymond Duncan SMITH - He was interviewed on 30th April
2008 and a statement obtained, please see enclosed copy.
12. Page 45 (PJ Ref VII) Interview Simon Andrew FAWKES -
He was interviewed on 22nd April 2008 and a statement
obtained, please see enclosed copy.
13. Page 46 (PJ Ref VII) Interview Claire Louise FAWKES
- She was interviewed on 22nd April 2008 and a statement
obtained, please see enclosed copy.
A small album of photographs has also been included from
a CD she presented to the interviewing Officers. A
scanned copy has been retained within the Leicestershire
Incident Room.
14. Page 46 (PJ Ref VII) Interview of Ruth Elizabeth
FAWKES - She was not interviewed due to her very young
age ( 3 1/2 years old).
15. Page 46 (PJ Ref VII) Interview Carlo DAMBROSIO (
Carlo Francesco D'AMBROSIO ) - He was interviewed on
29th April 2008 and a statement obtained, please see
enclosed copy.
16. Page 46 (PJ Ref VII) Interview June HUGHES - She was
interviewed on 29th April 2008 and a statement obtained,
please see enclosed copy.
17. Page 46 (PJ Ref VII) Interview Paul Anthony GORDON -
He was interviewed on 24th April 2008 and two statements
obtained, please see enclosed copies.
18. Page 46 (PJ Ref VII) Interview of Saleigh Louise
GORDON - She was interviewed on 24th April 2008 and a
statement obtained, please see enclosed copy.
19. Page 46 (PJ Ref VII) Interview Chxxxxx GORDON -
Chxxxxx is a very young child, therefore he was not
20. Page 46 (PJ Ref VII) Interview Jaxxxxx GORDON -
Jaxxxxx is a very young child, therefore she was not
21. Page 47 (PJ Ref VIII) Interview Neil BERRY - He was
interviewed on 23rd April 2008 and a statement obtained,
please see enclosed copy. There was also a request to
obtain buccal swabs and hair samples from him - this had
been completed previously.
Page 4292 (Page 4 of 5)
22. Page 48 (PJ Ref VIII) Obtain buccal swabs from
Rajinder BALU - swabs obtained on 23rd April 2008 and
submitted to FSS Birmingham on 25th April 2008.
A hair sample had been taken previously.
23. Page 50 (PJ Ref X) Interview Jeremy Michael WILKINS
- He declined to be interviewed on DVD but did agree to
a written statement. He was interviewed on 7th April
2008 and a statement obtained, please see enclosed copy.
24. Page 52 (PJ Ref XI) Interview Jeronimo Tomas
Rodrigues SALCEDAS who was a Tapas Restaurant employee
who was working on evening duty on 3rd May 2007. - He
was interviewed on 23rd April 2008 and a statement
obtained, please see enclosed copy.
25. Page 53 (PJ Ref XII) Identify babysitters to the
McCann's children - These were identified as being Janet
KENNEDY and Sharon LEWIN both of who have been
interviewed and are subject to separate entries on this
26. Page 53 (PJ Ref XII) Identify nursery staff to the
McCann family - They were identified as Sharon LEWIN and
Hayley PLUMMER, both have been interviewed and
statements obtained. (See separate entries on this
27. Page 54 (PJ Ref XIII) Identify housemaid(s) to the
McCann family - Amanda COXON is employed to look after
the children and assist with household tasks. COXON is
being interviewed and her statement will be subject to a
separate entry.
28. Page 55 (PJ Ref XIV) Interview Detective Inspector
Michael GRAHAM. A statement was completed on 21st April
2008, please see enclosed copy.
29. Page 55 (PJ Ref XIV) Interview Detective Inspector
Neil HOLDEN. A statement was completed on 25th April
2008, please see enclosed copy.
30. Page 55 (PJ Ref XIV) Interview Detective Constable
Jim McGARVEY. A statement was completed on 25th April
2008, please see enclosed copy.
31. Page 55 (PJ Ref XIV) Interview Detective Constable
Stephen MARKLEY. A statement was completed on 25th April
2008, please see enclosed copy.
32. Page 55 (PJ Ref XIV) Interview Detective Constable
Caroline BURROWS. A statement was completed on 22nd
April 2008, please see enclosed copy.
33. Page 55 (PJ Ref XIV) Interview Detective Constable
Eleanor JOHNSON. A statement was completed on 22ndh
April 2008, please see enclosed copy.
Page 4293 (Page 5 of 5)
From Second Letter of Request, received by UKCA 4th
February 2008
34. Page 19 - Interview Catriona BAKER who worked as a
child minder/creche worker at the Mark Warner resort -
She was interviewed on 14th April 2008 and a statement
obtained, please see enclosed copy.
35. Page 20 - Interview Paul SEDDON - He was interviewed
on 16th April 2008 and a statement obtained, please see
enclosed copy.
36. Page 22 - Interview Patricia CAMERON - this is a
duplicate request, please refer to Page 20 of this
37. Page 22 - Interview Sharon LEWIN - She was
interviewed on 21st April 2008 and a statement obtained,
please see enclosed copy.
38. Page 22 - Interview Hayley PLUMMER - She was
interviewed on 6th May 2008 and a statement obtained,
please see enclosed copy.
39. Page 22 - Interview Sandy CAMERON - this is a
duplicate from the first Letter of Request, please refer
to Pages 43 and 44 of the first LOR.
40. Page 22 - Interview Michael WRIGHT - this is a
duplicate from the first Letter of Request, Page 44.
41. Page 22 - Interview Clarence MITCHELL - He was
interviewed on 28th April 2008 and a statement obtained,
please see enclosed copy.
Respectfully submitted for your attention and
Mick Graham
Detective Inspector
A total of 30 statements supplied to UKCA on 9th May
Delivered by (name) signed A M Smith DC 1239
Received by (name) signed S Blackley
4339 to 4343 Letter from
Home Office re rogatory
request with report
4344 Copy of
certified envelope |
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able of
Contents : Processo Vol 16...(Pages PDF 208-212)....Pages 4339
to 4343?"Letter from Home Office re rogatory request with
Home Office
UK Central Authority
5th Floor, Fry Building, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF
Our Reference : MLI/07/210/2104
Your Reference : Po no 176/2008, Lo CIMP
16th May 2008
Joana G. Ferreira
Procuradoria-Geral Da Republica
Gabinete Do Procurador-Geral
Rua Da Escola Politecnica no 140
1269-269 Lisboa
Dear Sir/Madam
Further to our letter of 9th May 2008, please find enclosed
further evidence that we received from Leicestershire Police
into the requested assistance.
If you need to use the evidence for any other proceedings, which
are not outlined in the original request, you must seek the
Authorisation of the UK Central Authority in advance the
material being used for those proceedings.
Thank you.
Yours faithfully
Mrs Nash
Home Office
For and on Behalf of the Secretary of State
Page 4340 (Page 2 of 5)
From : D/Insp. Mick Graham
Dept : Major Crime Unit
To : Frances Kennah UKCA
Date : 9th May 2008
Subject : Madeleine McCann (Operation Task)
This report is the second response to the requests contained
within the International Letters of Request submitted by the
Portuguese Authorities in respect of the Investigation into the
disappearance of Madeleine McCann. This second submission of
documents comprises of a total of 25 witness statements, 26
DVD's, 26 transcripts, 21 exhibits and 1 report.
First Letter of Request - 23rd January 2008.
1. Page 12 (PJ Ref I) Interview of David PAYNE - he was
interviewed on 11th April 2008, the interview was recorded on
DVD. Please see enclosed 1 copy of each of the 3 DVD's, 1 copy
of each of the 3 transcripts, a copy of his witness statement
and a copy of the Detective's statement evidencing the
interview. See also a copy of his exhibits :
DP/100 - Hand sketch of apartment block at Ocean Club.
DP/101 - Hand sketch of Floor Plan at David Payne's Apartment at
Ocean Club.
2. Page 17 (PJ Ref I) Interview of Fiona PAYNE - she was
interviewed 0n 10th April 2008, the interview was recorded on
DVD. Please see enclosed 1 copy of each of the 3 DVD's, 1 copy
of each of the 3 transcripts, a copy of her 2 witness statements
and a copy of the Detective's statement evidencing the
interview. See also a copy of her exhibits :
FP/100 - Plan of the Tapas Bar table at the Ocean Club.
FP/101 - Rough plan of their apartment.
FP/102 - Rough plan of their apartment in relation to other
members of the group.
Page 4341 (Page 3 of 5)
3. Page 20 (PJ Ref I) Interview of Dianne WEBSTER - she was
interviewed on DVD on 11th April 2008, and the interview was
recorded on DVD. Please see enclosed 1 copy of each of the 2
DVD's, 1 copy of each of the 2 transcripts, a copy of her
witness statement and a copy of the Detective's statement
evidencing the interview.
4. Page 23 (PJ Ref I) Interview of Russell James O'BRIEN - he
was interviewed on 8th April 2008, and 10th April 2008. The
interview of 10th April 2008, was recorded on DVD. Please see
enclosed 1 copy of each of the 4 DVD's, 1 copy of
each of the 4 transcripts, a copy of his 3 witness statements
including a statement regarding his evidence given on 8th April
2008, and a copy of the Detective's statement evidencing the
Please see a copy of DC Giere's exhibit :
AJG/207 - 'Apt Plan shown during I/V'.
Please see a copy of each of Mr O'Brien's 4 exhibits :
RJO/100 - Sketch Map - Praia Da Luz.
RJO/101 - Table Plan - Tapas Restaurant.
RJO/102 - Search Sketch - Praia Da Luz.
RJO/103 - Phone List.
5. Page 27 (PJ Ref I) Interview of Jane Michelle TANNER - she
was interviewed on 8th April 2008, and the interview was
recorded on DVD. Please see enclosed 1 copy of each of the 7
DVD's, 1 copy of each of the 7 transcripts, a copy of her
statement, and a copy of the Detective's statement evidencing
her interview. See also a copy of her 2 exhibits :
JT/1 - Map of Tapas Bar/Apartments etc.
JT/2 - Marked copy of DM/2.
6. Page 33 (PJ Ref I) Interview of Matthew David OLDFIELD - he
was interviewed on 9th April 2008, and the interview was
recorded on DVD. Please see enclosed 1 copy of each of the 3
DVD's, a copy of each of the 3 transcripts, a copy of his
witness statement, and a copy of the Detective's statement
evidencing the interview. See also a copy of his exhibit :
MO/1 - DM/2 showing route of Matthew OLDFIELD from Tapas to
7. Page 37 (PJ Ref I) Interview of Rachael Mariamma Jean
MAMPILLY - she was interviewed on 9th April 2008, the interview
was recorded on DVD. Please see enclosed 1 copy of each of the 3
DVD's, a copy of each of the 3 transcripts, a
copy of her 2 witness statements, and a copy of the Detective's
statement evidencing her interview. See also a copy of her 4
exhibits :
RMJM/100 - Table Plan - Tapas Restaurant.
RMJM/101 - Sketch Map - Praia Da Luz.
RMJM/102 - Sketch of Car Park.
RMJM/103 - Phone List.
Page 4342 (Page 4 of 5)
8. Page 44 (PJ Ref VI) Interview of Michael WRIGHT - he was
interviewed on 1st May 2008, and a statement obtained, please
see enclosed copy.
9. Page 45 (PJRef VI) Interview of Kenneth Arthur WALKDEN - he
was interviewed on 29th April 2008, and a statement obtained,
please see enclosed copy.
10. Page 56 (PJ Ref XV) Interview of Carole Anne TRAMMER - she
was interviewed on 22nd April 2008. The interview was recorded
on DVD. Please see the copy of her DVD, 1 copy of the
transcript, a copy of her witness statement, and a copy of the
Detective's statement evidencing her interview. See also a copy
of her 3 exhibits :
CT/10 - Plan of block of apartments at Ocean Club.
CT/11 - Plan of the Ocean Club in Praia Da Luz.
CT/12 - Photo taken on Balcony of Apt 5G on Sunday 29th April
11. Page 57 (PJ RefXVII) Request to provide Madeleine McCann's
dental records. A copy of the dental records was obtained on
15th May 2008, and is enclosed. A statement producing these as
an exhibit is also enclosed.
12. Page 57 (PJ Ref XVIII) - CONFIDENTIAL - Request for copies
of examination completed by the Forensic Science Service).
Enclosed within a sealed envelope are 1 examination report and 2
statements from the Forensic Science Service. These have been
sealed to maintain the integrity of the information.
Page 4343 (Page 5 of 5)
From Second Letter of Request, received by UKCA 4th February
13. Page 20. Interview of Michelle THOMPSON - she was
interviewed on 7th May 2008, and a statement obtained, please
see enclosed copy.
14. Page 20. Interview of Emma KNIGHTS - she was interviewed on
30th April 2008, and a statement obtained, please see enclosed
15. Page 21. Interview of Amanda COXON - she was interviewed on
2nd May 2008, and a statement obtained, please see enclosed
16. Page 22. Interview of Linda Ruth McQUEEN - she was
interviewed on 7th May 2008, and a statement obtained, please
see enclosed copy.
17. Page 22. Interview of Nicky GUI (Nicky Toni GILL) - she was
interviewed on 7th May 2008, and a statement obtained, please
see enclosed copy.
18. Page 22. Interview of Justine McGUINNESS - she was
interviewed on 12th May 2008, and a statement obtained, please
see enclosed copy.
19. Page 23. Interview of Peter Neal PATTERSON - he was
interviewed on 8th May 2008, and a statement obtained, please
see enclosed copy.
Respectfully submitted for your attention and consideration.
Mick Graham
Detective Inspector
A total of : -
25 statements
26 DVD's
26 Transcripts
21 exhibits
1 report
- supplied to UKCA on 16th May 2008.
Delivered by (name) signed A M Smith DC 1239
Received by (name) signed Mrs S. Nash. |
4391 to 4394 English version of pages 4388 to 4390
4391 to 4394 Frances McKenna
4388 to 4390
Confidential document to Frances Kennah Portuguese version
of 4391 to 4394 |
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Table of Contents
: Processo Vol 16..(PDF pages 259-262 )...Pages-4391 to 4394?
"English version of pages 4388 to 4390"
(Note :
This is virtually a copy of the report on pages 4339-4343, and
is the original report which was forwarded by the Leicestershire
Constabulary to UKCA. The report (Pages 4339-4343) was then
forwarded by UKCA to the Portuguese Prosecutor, Joana G.
From : D/Insp. Mick Graham
Dept : Major Crime Unit
To : Frances Kennah UKCA
Date : 16th May 2008
Subject : Madeleine McCann (Operation Task)
This report is the second response to the requests contained
within the International Letters of Request submitted by the
Portuguese Authorities in respect of the Investigation into the
disappearance of Madeleine McCann. This second submission of
documents comprises of a total of 25 witness statements, 26
DVD's, 26 transcripts, 21 exhibits and 1 report.
First Letter of Request - 23rd January 2008.
1. Page 12 (PJ Ref I) Interview of David PAYNE - he was
interviewed on 11th April 2008, the interview was recorded on
DVD. Please see enclosed 1 copy of each of the 3 DVD's, 1 copy
of each of the 3 transcripts, a copy of his witness statement
and a copy of the Detective's statement evidencing the
interview. See also a copy of his exhibits :
DP/100 - Hand sketch of apartment block at Ocean Club.
DP/101 - Hand sketch of Floor Plan at David Payne's Apartment at
Ocean Club.
2. Page 17 (PJ Ref I) Interview of Fiona PAYNE - she was
interviewed 0n 10th April 2008, the interview was recorded on
DVD. Please see enclosed 1 copy of each of the 3 DVD's, 1 copy
of each of the 3 transcripts, a copy of her 2 witness
statements and a copy of the Detective's statement evidencing
the interview. See also a copy of her exhibits :
FP/100 - Plan of the Tapas Bar table at the Ocean Club.
FP/101 - Rough plan of their apartment.
FP/102 - Rough plan of their apartment in relation to other
members of the group.
Page 4392 (Page 2 of 4)
3. Page 20 (PJ Ref I) Interview of Dianne WEBSTER - she was
interviewed on DVD on 11th April 2008, and the interview was
recorded on DVD. Please see enclosed 1 copy of each of the 2
DVD's, 1 copy of each of the 2 transcripts, a copy of her
witness statement and a copy of the Detective's statement
evidencing the interview.
4. Page 23 (PJ Ref I) Interview of Russell James O'BRIEN - he
was interviewed on 8th April 2008, and 10th April 2008. The
interview of 10th April 2008, was recorded on DVD. Please see
enclosed 1 copy of each of the 4 DVD's, 1 copy of
each of the 4 transcripts, a copy of his 3 witness statements
including a statement regarding his evidence given on 8th April
2008, and a copy of the Detective's statement evidencing the
Please see a copy of DC Giere's exhibit :
AJG/207 - 'Apt Plan shown during I/V'.
Please see a copy of each of Mr O'Brien's 4 exhibits :
RJO/100 - Sketch Map - Praia Da Luz.
RJO/101 - Table Plan - Tapas Restaurant.
RJO/102 - Search Sketch - Praia Da Luz.
RJO/103 - Phone List.
5. Page 27 (PJ Ref I) Interview of Jane Michelle TANNER - she
was interviewed on 8th April 2008, and the interview was
recorded on DVD. Please see enclosed 1 copy of each of the 7
DVD's, 1 copy of each of the 7 transcripts, a copy of her
statement, and a copy of the Detective's statement evidencing
her interview. See also a copy of her 2 exhibits :
JT/1 - Map of Tapas Bar/Apartments etc.
JT/2 - Marked copy of DM/2.
6. Page 33 (PJ Ref I) Interview of Matthew David OLDFIELD - he
was interviewed on 9th April 2008, and the interview was
recorded on DVD. Please see enclosed 1 copy of each of the 3
DVD's, a copy of each of the 3 transcripts, a copy of his
witness statement, and a copy of the Detective's statement
evidencing the interview. See also a copy of his exhibit :
MO/1 - DM/2 showing route of Matthew OLDFIELD from Tapas to
7. Page 37 (PJ Ref I) Interview of Rachael Mariamma Jean
MAMPILLY - she was interviewed on 9th April 2008, the interview
was recorded on DVD. Please see enclosed 1 copy of each of the 3
DVD's, a copy of each of the 3 transcripts, a
copy of her 2 witness statements, and a copy of the Detective's
statement evidencing her interview. See also a copy of her 4
exhibits :
RMJM/100 - Table Plan - Tapas Restaurant.
RMJM/101 - Sketch Map - Praia Da Luz.
RMJM/102 - Sketch of Car Park.
RMJM/103 - Phone List.
Page 4393
8. Page 44 (PJ Ref VI) Interview of Michael WRIGHT - he was
interviewed on 1st May 2008, and a statement obtained, please
see enclosed copy.
9. Page 45 (PJRef VI) Interview of Kenneth Arthur WALKDEN - he
was interviewed on 29th April 2008, and a statement obtained,
please see enclosed copy.
10. Page 56 (PJ Ref XV) Interview of Carole Anne TRAMMER - she
was interviewed on 22nd April 2008. The interview was recorded
on DVD. Please see the copy of her DVD, 1 copy of the
transcript, a copy of her witness statement, and a copy of the
Detective's statement evidencing her interview. See also a copy
of her 3 exhibits :
CT/10 - Plan of block of apartments at Ocean Club.
CT/11 - Plan of the Ocean Club in Praia Da Luz.
CT/12 - Photo taken on Balcony of Apt 5G on Sunday 29th April
11. Page 57 (PJ RefXVII) Request to provide Madeleine
McCann's dental records. A copy of the dental records was
obtained on 15th May 2008, and is enclosed. A statement
producing these as an exhibit is also enclosed.
12. Page 57 (PJ Ref XVIII) - CONFIDENTIAL - Request for copies
of examination completed by the Forensic Science Service).
Enclosed within a sealed envelope are 1 examination report and 2
statements from the Forensic Science Service.
These have been sealed to maintain the integrity of the
Page 4394
From Second Letter of Request, received by UKCA 4th February
13. Page 20. Interview of Michelle THOMPSON - she was
interviewed on 7th May 2008, and a statement obtained, please
see enclosed copy.
14. Page 20. Interview of Emma KNIGHTS - she was interviewed on
30th April 2008, and a statement obtained, please see enclosed
15. Page 21. Interview of Amanda COXON - she was interviewed on
2nd May 2008, and a statement obtained, please see enclosed
16. Page 22. Interview of Linda Ruth McQUEEN - she was
interviewed on 7th May 2008, and a statement obtained, please
see enclosed copy.
17. Page 22. Interview of Nicky GUI (Nicky Toni GILL) - she was
interviewed on 7th May 2008, and a statement obtained, please
see enclosed copy.
18. Page 22. Interview of Justine McGUINNESS - she was
interviewed on 12th May 2008, and a statement obtained, please
see enclosed copy.
19. Page 23. Interview of Peter Neal PATTERSON - he was
interviewed on 8th May 2008, and a statement obtained, please
see enclosed copy.
Respectfully submitted for your attention and consideration.
Mick Graham
Detective Inspector
A total of : -
25 statements
26 DVD's
26 Transcripts
21 exhibits
1 report
- supplied to UKCA on 16th May 2008.
Delivered by (name) signed A M Smith DC 1239
Received by (name) signed Mrs S. Nash. |
4398 to 4400 Documentation
re: rogatory letters
2008.05.23 (English) |
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Table of Contents
: Processo Vol 16...(PDF pages 266-267)...Pages 4398 to
4400?"Documentation re: rogatory letters 2008.05.23 (English)"
Leicestershire Constabulary
From : D/Insp. Gary Watts
Dept : Major Crime Unit
Date : 23rd May 2008
To : Frances Kennah
Subject : Madeleine McCann (Operation Task)
This report is the 3rd response to the request contained within
the International Letters of Request submitted by the Portuguese
Authorities in respect of the investigation into the
disappearance of madeleine McCann. This 3rd submission of
documents comprises of a total of 13 witness statements, 2
DVD's, 2 Transcripts, 3 exhibits and 4 reports.
First Letter of Request - dated 23rd January 2008
1. Page 42 (PJRef II) Telephone subscriber details and
incoming/outgoing call data ;
incoming/outgoing call
data no longer required per Paulo Rebelo, please see
enclosed copy of report by DC Johnson which details the
subscriber details.
2. Page 42 (PJ Ref III)
Interview all identified users of telephones as per request II,
no longer required per Paulo Rebelo.
3. Page 49 (PJ Ref III) Interview of Martin GRIME, he completed
a statement on 14th May 2008, please see enclosed copy of his
statement and 1 copy of his exhibit :
MG/1 - Operation Task Canine Search Report.
4. Page 50 (PJ Ref IX) Interview of Mark HARRISON, he was
interviewed on 21st May 2008 and a statement obtained, please
see enclosed copy of his statement and a copy of each of his 2
exhibits :
MH/4 - Madeleine McCann Search Decision Support Document.
MH/5 - Madeleine McCann Search Decision Support Document - PD
Luz Beach & Marine Assessment.
Page 4399 (Page 2 of 3)
5. Page 57 (PJ Ref XVI) Provide full antecedent history of Gerry
& Kate McCANN ; please see enclosed copy of the 2 reports by DC
6. Page 58 (PJ Ref XXI) Subscriber details of 5 telephone
numbers linked to Robert MURAT, please see enclosed copy of
report by DC Johnson.
7. Page 58 (PJ Ref XXII) Transaction details for 2 MasterCard
credit cards used by Gerry McCANN ; this has not been completed
as per the conversation between Detective Superintendent Stuart
PRIOR and Head of UKCA Frances KENNAH.
Page 4400 (Page
3 of 3)
From 2nd Letter of Request, received by UKCA 4th February 2008.
1. Page 18 Interview Steve CARPENTER, he was interviewed on 21st
April 2008, the interview was recorded on DVD, please see
enclosed 1 copy of the transcript, 1 copy of the DVD, 1 copy of
his statement and a copy of the Detective's
statement evidencing the interview.
2. Page 18 Interview Carolyn Elizabeth CARPENTER, she was
interviewed on 21st April 2008, the interview was recorded on
DVD, please see enclosed 1 copy of the transcript, 1 copy of the
DVD, 1 copy of her statement and a copy of the
Detective's statement evidencing the interview.
3. Page 20 Interview of Patricia CAMERON, she was interviewed on
15th April 2008, and a statement obtained, please see enclosed
4. Page 20 Interview of Alan PIKE, he was interviewed on 7th May
2008, and a statement obtained, please see enclosed copy.
5. Page 21 Interview of Janet KENNEDY, she was interviewed on
14th April 2008, and a statement obtained. She made a further
statement on 16th may 2008. Please see enclosed one copy of each
of her 2 statements.
6. Page 21 Interview of Karen McCALMAN, she was interviewed on
16th May 2008, and a statement obtained, please see enclosed
7. Page 23 Interview of Dr. Phil HUSSEY, he was interviewed on
15th May 2008, and a statement obtained, please see enclosed
8. Page 23 Interview of Dr. Ian SCHOFIELD, he was interviewed on
14th May 2008, and a statement obtained, please see enclosed
Respectfully submitted for your attention and consideration.
Gary Watts
Detective Inspector
A total of :
13 statements
2 DVD's
2 transcripts
3 exhibits
4 reports
supplied to UKCA on 23rd May 2008
Delivered by (name) A M Smith DC1239....(signed)
Received by (name) Susha (?) NASH.........(signed) |
Home Office Letter
(English) |
17-Vol 17 Page
4485 (Page 1 of 1) |
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Table of Contents
: Processo Vol 17...(PDF page 72)....Page "4485 to 4486? "Home
Office Letter (English)"
(Note :
This letter consists of only 1 Page)
Home Office
Crime Reduction and Community Safety Group
Policing Police and Operations Directorate,
Judicial Co-operation Unit,
5th Floor, Fry Building, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF
Our Ref : MLI08/210/2104
Your Ref : No 2640/2008
Date : 16th June 2008
Ms Joana Gomes Ferreira
Procuradoria-Geral Da Republica
Rue da Escola
No 140 1269-269
Dear Ms Ferreira
Request for mutual legal assistance relating to the
disappearance of Madeleine McCann
I am writing further to my letter dated 5th March 2008 and your
letters dated 14th and 27th March concerning your request for
banking evidence relating to Gerald McCann.
In my letter dated 5th March 2008, I asked for clarification of
the basis upon which you made the request for access to
transaction Mr McCann's Mastercard credit card accounts for a 6
month period. In your letter dated 14th March 2008 you explained
that the reason for the request was to enable the investigation
team to identify if there were any unknown motives behind the
disappearance of Madeleine or identify any individual or
individuals responsible for her disappearance. I remain
concerned about the basis upon which you seek evidence relating
to 6 months transactions, beginning 1st April 2007 (6 weeks
prior to Madeleine's disappearance).
When officers from Leicestershire Constabulary met with the
Portuguese case team they were informed that the request for
banking evidence arose as a result of a reported sighting of Mr
McCann at a cash machine whilst talking on a mobile telephone,
following Madeleine's disappearance. The Portuguese team were
therefore concerned to ascertain whether the cash machine
transaction and the call were related and whether they linked to
Madeleine's disappearance.
As you know, in considering requests for coercive measures the
Secretary of State must consider necessity and proportionality.
On the basis of the information before me, the request for
evidence relating to Mr McCann's Mastercard accounts for a 6
month period or, at least in the first instance, refine your
request to a period immediately prior to and following the day
of the alleged sighting, I would be more than happy to look at
this part of the request again.
In the meantime, 4 tranches of evidence were sent to you via DHL
on 9th, 16th, 23rd and 28th may 2008 and I would be grateful if
you could confirm receipt.
I look forward to hearing from you
Yours sincerely
FR Kennah
Frances Kennah
Head, UK Central Authority |
4498 Home Office letter re:
legal assistance 2008.05.28
4499 Page 4498 in English |
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17 Page 4498 to Page 4499 |
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Table of
Contents : Processo Vol 17..(PDF page 86)...Page 4499?"Page 4498
in English"
Vol 17 Page 4499 (Page 1 of 1)
Home Office
UK Central Authority
Judicial Co-operation Unit
5th Floor, Fry Building, 2 Marsham Street, London, SW1P 4DF
Our Ref : MLI07/210/2104
Your Ref : No 2640/2008
Date : 28th May 2008
Joana Gomes Ferreira,
Pel'o Chefe do Gabinete,
Procuradoria-Geral Da Rep?lica,
Rue da Escola Polit?nica, no. 140,
1279-269 Lisboa,
Dear Ms Ferreira,
I refer to your Letter of request, seeking evidence to be
obtained in the United Kingdom for use in criminal proceedings
concerning the above mentioned person.
Please find enclosed the evidence obtained by Leicestershire
Constabulary and the report from the UK Forensic Science
If you need to see the evidence for any other proceedings, which
were not outlined in the original request, you must seek the
authorisation of the UK Central Authority in advance of the
material being used for those proceedings.
Yours sincerely,
Henry Law
UK Central Authority
Home Office
For and on Behalf of the Secretary of State |
4501 to 4502 Page 4500 in
English |
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4501 (Page 1 of 2) |
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Table of Contents
: Processo Vol 17..(PDF pages 88-89)...Pages 4501-4502?"Page
4500 in English"
From : D/Insp. Mick Graham
Dept : Major Crime Unit
To : Frances Kennah UKCA
Date : 27th May 2008
Subject : Madeleine McCann (Operation Task)
This report is the 4th and final response to the requests
contained within the International Letters of Request submitted
by the Portuguese Authorities in respect of the Investigation
into the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. This 4th submission,
(?) (Note : Original text states "second submission")), of
documents comprises of a total of 1 witness statement, and 1
First Letter of Request - 23rd January 2008.
1. Page 48 (PJ Ref VIII) Interview of Rajinder BALU - he was
interviewed on 23rd April 2008, and 28th May 2008, and a
statement obtained, please see enclosed copy.
2. Page 57 (PJ Ref XIX) Comparison of all DNA profiles against
UK Database and (PJ Ref XX) Comparison of all profiles obtained
against Madeleine McCann's reference sample. Please see enclosed
copy of the FSS Report by John Lowe.
Respectfully submitted for your attention and consideration.
Mick Graham
Detective Inspector
A total of : -
1 statement
1 report
Page 4502 (Page 2 of 2)
- supplied to UKCA on 28th May 2008.
Delivered by (name) signed J Hughes
Received by (name) signed J Blanchflower |
103 to 104
- Home Office document re rogatory
request 2008.02.05
105 to 106
- Portuguese translation of pages 103 to
104 |
09 01 Apensos IX Vol I Page 103 to 104 |
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s Joana Gomes Ferreira
General Prosecutor
Rua da Escola
Our ref: ML!08/210/2104
Your ref: N| 2640/2008
Date: 5th March 2008
Dear Ms Ferreira
Request for mutual legal assistance
relating to the disappearance of
Madeleine McCann
I am writing further to my emails in
early February 2008 in relation to the
request for assistance in this case. I
confirm that we have now received the
main request and the supplementary
The Leicestershire Police have been
meeting with their Portuguese
counterparts this week to discuss a
number of operational matters which
required clarification and I await their
formal report. In the meantime, however,
there a number of matters which I hope
you can clarify for me to ensure that
the request for assistance is executed
as fully and as quickly as is possible.
The request asks for a number of
interviews to be conducted. I wondered
if you could clarify whether you require
these interviews to be conducted in any
particular way? The investigators would
like to record the interviews on video
but does Portuguese procedure require
the evidence in statement form? Does the
evidence need to be sworn at a court
hearing to comply with Portuguese law?
Where the request refers to statements
previously taken by the UK police, we
would propose sending you a copy of the
original statements, covered by a
statement from a police officer which
could be sworn before a court if you
require it. Would that work for you?
Main request
Page 41 ? we have concerns about the
approach to Brian Healy, Kate McCann?s
father and the suggested line of
questioning. As currently drafted, we do
not feel there is sufficient connection
between what is alleged and what is
being requested. Can you assist?
Page 57 XVIII ? the text refers to
document A as being attached but the
document attached is Document N| 1. I am
working on the basis that they are one
and the same but correct me if I am
Page 58 XXI - please provide further
details justify this request, including
the date/s when the contact was made and
his telephone numbers. There is nothing
in the narrative in relation to Murat
other than that he has been named an
arguido. I have to consider issues of
proportionality in relation telephone
subscriber details before I can nominate
a court to hear this evidence.
Page 58 XXII ? please justify the
request by reference to what is being
alleged in relation to these cards.
Please explain why you are seeking
access to the transaction data for 6
months and why only these credit cards?
I have to consider issues or
proportionality in relation banking
information before I can nominate a
court to hear this evidence.
Can we please have copies of page
numbers 3593 and 3594 which are referred
to in the request but not attached.
Supplementary request
The supplementary request refers to a
number of individuals that
Leicestershire Police have no knowledge
of. However, I understand they hope to
clarify this with their Portuguese
In relation to the persons you wish to
be interviewed on pages 16 and 17 ?
Kennedy to Plummer ? you have not
enclosed the questions you wish to be
put. Can you please supply?
Once I have had a formal report from
Leicestershire Police, I may need to
come back to you with further questions
in relation to both of the requests but
wanted to make these points as quickly
as possible to try and reduce delay.
Yours sincerely
Frances Kennah
Head, UK Central Authority. |
Letter from Frances Kennah |
Outros apensos 9 vol 1page 121 |
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